4 Sustainable Ways to Increase the Value of Your Home

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Sustainability is quite popular nowadays, especially when it comes to remodeling a house. Did you know that going “green” can increase the value of your home even by a little? Whether it’s a massive project or just a small renovation, here are four sustainable ways a person can increase the value of their home before their house hits the market.

Solar Power

Solar energy is becoming increasingly popular in homes across the world due to its ability to help save money while reducing energy consumption compared to normal electricity. In the United States, a typical home uses 29 kilowatts per hour daily. That’s 10,715 kilowatts per year! Heavy electricity consumption can be harmful to the environment, whether it’s on a local or global scale. A good way to combat this is to use solar energy, which can eliminate a good amount of this issue.

There are several solar energy options that can be used for residential or commercial use. Solar panels are one of the most common examples, however, solar water heating and even portable solar cells are viable options that can be used to reduce energy waste for a home or business.

As mentioned above, solar panels are the most popular solar option and can be extremely beneficial for your home and the environment. Solar energy can be pricey to install initially but worth it in the long run. The cost of solar panels depends on the size of the system, the location of where you want it placed, and the extra additions you are willing to include. This can cost anywhere from $16,000 to $31,000 contingent on what is necessary for your home.

Initially, this process may seem expensive but is worthwhile if you’re looking to increase the value of your home. Depending on your area, your home’s value can increase an average of about 4% compared to homes without solar power or panels. Additionally, solar panels can lower your utility bills by 95% while producing a similar number of watts per home compared to normal electricity.

Automatic Faucets

You can find a sink in every household across the country. People use it to wash dishes and their hands, brush their teeth, cook, and much more. However, have you thought about how much water this uses? A typical faucet uses 2.2 gallons of water per minute. This number can vary and increase if you’re letting the water continually run. By using automatic sinks, you can save more money while reducing water waste.   

There are a variety of options for automatic faucets you can choose from. There are touchless faucets that utilize either infrared (most commonly used) or proximity sensors. These work great in kitchens and bathrooms because they limit the amount of wasteful water one uses and will allow you to consume only what’s necessary.

Automatic faucets can cost anywhere from $400-$700. This number can increase depending on the brand and size of faucet you are looking for. The cost to install these faucets can be around $250 for the kitchen and around $150 for the bathroom. It all depends on what will suit you and your home’s needs. 

This is not as expensive as utilizing solar power, but it is also worth it. Installing automatic faucets in your home can save you money on your water bill while also increasing your home’s value by 0.6% compared to homes without automatic faucets. This could significantly increase the value and appeal of your home if you live in California where there are often water restrictions.

Automatic Lights

Many households in the United States use an excessive amount of electricity to light their homes. On average, around 90% of Americans forget to turn off their lights when they leave a room. This is wasteful and can be expensive because typical light bulbs use an average of 43.8 kilowatts an hour per year. Automatic lights can help combat this issue since they reduce 35-45% of energy consumption per year.

There are numerous types of automatic lights to choose from. Some are run by motion sensors or controlled by timers. It all depends on how much lighting you desire and how long you want them on for. In fact, now more than ever people are starting to use outdoor motion light sensors for indoor use. The cost depends on the type of sensor, the amount of light used, the size, and the location of the sensor. On average, it could cost anywhere between $15 - $300. However, you would also have to consider other variables such as the type of sensors installed which can reach as high as $1,000, and the cost of labor to install, which can go as high as $400. However, in the end, you will still save a considerable amount on your home’s electricity bill.

This update will be beneficial to you when you’re ready to put your home up for sale, as it can potentially increase your home value by 1-3% compared to other homes without these light fixtures. More people are starting to realize that these lights are beneficial and a necessary bonus to any house.

Smart Thermostat

Heating and A/C have been causing homeowners’ electric bills to skyrocket over the years. There are plenty of times when homeowners leave them running to allow their houses to remain at a comfortable temperature. However, this can be a thing of the past with the installation of a smart thermostat. This smart feature will sense when it is time to switch to specific temperatures and will cut off once those desired temperatures are reached. It can save you an average of 8% on your utility bills and at times, up to 23% on your energy bills. They are also great for the environment due to reducing the amount of energy needed for heat and A/C which reduces your carbon footprint.

There are numerous types of smart thermostats, but the three most common are motion-sensor thermostats, geofencing thermostats, and learning algorithm thermostats. They all have different abilities and specs, but it is up to you to decide the best option for you and your home.

Smart thermostats are trending across the country now. More homeowners are starting to see the benefits of owning one and how beneficial it is to their pockets and the environment. It typically costs an average of $350 to install a smart thermostat, however, there are times when this number can increase to $1,000 depending on the type of unit you select. This is worth it to many people because according to recent studies, there has been an increase in Americans wanting to live more sustainably.

Installing a smart thermostat can be another great way to increase the value of your home. It can potentially raise the value to 3-5% along with having other smart devices in the home. Some people forget to turn down the heat when they leave or to turn off the A/C when the house cools off. With the smart thermostat, this will not be a problem anymore and can help your home sell faster while on the market.


Selling your home can be stressful. There are times when you do not get the same value in return. However, by following these suggestions of installing solar power, automatic faucets, automatic lights, or smart thermostats, you can easily increase your home’s value by up to 10% depending on your location. Meanwhile, you will make a huge difference in the environment by doing your part by being sustainable and environmentally friendly.